Polmecanic Sp. z o.o. was established in 2004. Since 2008 the scope of activity has been extended by establishing another entity – Polmec Sp. z o.o. This is when the very start of the POLMECANIC group. We are characterized by high quality of service, individual approach to customer needs and timely implementation of projects, even in the most difficult circumstances.
15 years of experience have influenced not only the scope of our work, but also the relations between us and our clients. We work for them and we grow for them.
In recent years, the Polmecanic Group has been supported by new domestic and foreign entities.

The Polmecanic Group combines modern technologies and viable solutions.
Cooperation forms the basis for our achievements. We draw inspiration from the best and support partners from around the world with our experience. We want to encourage the community to develop with our actions in order to bring a better tomorrow. We create a friendly and safe working environment so that the Polmecanic Group team is proud of our organization.

We focus on solutions – not on problems
If there is a problem, there is a solution. It does not matter whether the glass is half empty or full. What matters is what’s inside it and what we do about it.
We create a safe tomorrow
We all know that we should look after ourselves before we act for others. We ensure high OHS standards because human safety is an investment into the Group’s future.
We work with passion
People listen to what we have to say only when our words are translated into action. That is why it is actions that speak for commitment and faith in the Group’s activity.
We recognise human potential
We believe that people are a driving force behind our activity and determine its success. We rely on development and initiative so we encourage employees to express their needs and share ideas.
We believe in sustainable development
That is why we put our planet, ourselves, and future generations first by combating environmental pollution.
We can do more together, or the power of cooperation
We believe that we will achieve more than we plan more quickly and easily by working together.

- installation, servicing, modernization and maintenance of industrial equipment
- transfers, relocation of equipment, production/assembly lines and entire factories
- production, service, modernization and installation of waste recycling installations
- manufacture and assembly of steel structures
- any other work in PVC and steel, especially stainless steel
- design of equipment and process and paint lines
- design and delivery of blasting machines for surface preparation see more

For success-oriented companies in the recycling industry, automotive Polmecanic Group has a wide range of design, implementation and production capabilities.
We have our own professional tools and equipment base, transport fleet production and workshop facilities. We specialize in the following industries:

Our projects can be found all over Europe, and the development strategy for the coming years expands our horizons with new markets on other continents. Based on our client’s suggestions we create products of the highest quality. We are not afraid of challenges, so we can boast a number of innovative concepts.
We constantly strive for perfection, we listen to our clients and meet their needs. We are always perfectly prepared and every aspect is taken into consideration.
trusted us
Over the years nearly 250 companies have trusted us. It is an extraordinary distinction for us, but also a motivation to constantly expand the range of our services. We offer our customers a wide range of products, tailored to individual needs. We execute contracts for public companies and private investors. Each product is created in cooperation with the customer, which makes it exceptionally unique.
Over the years nearly 250 companies have trusted us. It is an extraordinary distinction for us, but also a motivation to constantly expand the range of our services. We offer our customers a wide range of products, tailored to individual needs. We execute contracts for public companies and private investors. Each product is created in cooperation with the customer, which makes it exceptionally unique.
POLEMECANIC actively participates in the European Council research and development projects. We are proud to have this opportunity to co-create new technologies with the most renowned research centers in Europe.
1. Nazwa Zadania: „Zakup i montaż instalacji fotowoltaicznej o mocy 20,35 kW w firmie POLMECANIC w miejscowości Skomlin”
2. Wartość ogólna zadania; 91.958,00 zł
3. Wysokość oraz forma dofinansowania ze środków Wojewódzkiego Funduszu Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Łodzi w PLN w zaokrągleniu do liczby całkowitej; Pożyczka na dofinansowanie zadania w kwocie 86.958,00 zł
4. Opis zakresu projektu: Projekt ma na celu zmniejszenie narażenia ludności na oddziaływanie dwutlenku węgla CO2, pyłów PM2,5, PM10 oraz innych zanieczyszczeń powstających w wyniku niskiej emisji, zwiększeniu udziału odnawialnych źródeł energii w finalnym zużyciu energii oraz propagowaniu nowoczesnych technologii służących ograniczeniu niskiej emisji.
Polmecanic Group Sp. z o. o.
ul. Targowa 10 C, 98-346 Skomlin
+48 43 840 46 34
KRS: 0000214022
REGON: 731648650
NIP: 8321947865
1. The administrator of personal data is Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at 10C Targowa street, 98-346 Skomlin. Contact with Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. is possible by e-mail: polmecanic@polmecanic.eu or by telephone: +48, 43,840, 46, 34.
2. Any issues concerning the processing of your personal data should be addressed to the Data Protection Officer at his or her e-mail address: inspektor@myiod.pl
3.The processing of your personal data will be carried out in order to consider the correspondence sent to Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. and to answer the questions under Article 6(1) letter F of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) – hereafter referred to as the TDC, i.e. the legitimate interest of Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. The legitimate interest is to respond to your inquiry and establish business contact.
4. The recipients of personal data shall be employees or associates of Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o., as well as entities providing support to Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. on the basis of commissioned services and in accordance with the concluded entrustment agreements (e.g. IT service providers).
5.Personal data will be kept for the time necessary to process the enquiry and answer. After this time, the data will be stored additionally for 12 months.
6. According to the FAMILY you have: a) the right to access your data and to receive a copy of it, b) the right to rectify (correct) your data if it is erroneous or outdated, as well as the right to delete it if the processing is not carried out for the purpose of fulfilling an obligation under the law, c) the right to restrict or object to the processing.To exercise your rights, please contact Polmecanic Group Sp. z o.o. in accordance with the contact information provided.
7. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for personal data protection. Office of the President of the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, address: Stawki 2 street, 00-193 Warsaw or via the website uodo.gov.pl.
8.The provision of personal data by you is voluntary, however, the processing of such data is a prerequisite for the handling of the correspondence you send.

Polmec Sp. z o. o.
ul. Targowa 10 C, 98-346 Skomlin
+48 43 840 46 34
KRS: 0000304620
REGON: 100502862
NIP: 8322025056

PMF Industrie SAS
124 Rue Nationale
37 250 Montbazon
TVA: 13 832264915
SIRET: 832264915000014
SIREN: 832264915

PMB STEEL Sp. z o.o.
ul. Targowa 10 C, 98-346 Skomlin
+48 43 840 46 34
KRS: 0000772824
REGON: 382773217
NIP: 8322084662